Sales Content & Knowledge Specialist, LHH Global
Vereinigtes Königreich BewerbenYou’ll work within our Content & Knowledge Management team, ensuring our sales and bid-related content is accurate, persuasive, well-organized, and up to date. This includes curation and evolution of content, covering all parts of LHH, encompassing both written and designed content. You will collaborate with SMEs and stakeholders to ensure our materials evolve with the business and reflect the latest insights. From maintaining current information in our CMS (Loopio), to refining proposal templates and supporting knowledge-sharing initiatives, your work will help our global sales organisation win more business by making sure they have the best possible resources on hand.
Reporting Relationships:
- Global Content & Knowledge Manager (based US MST)
- Close working relationship with the wider Sales Enablement, Marketing, Opportunity Management Team, and senior sales and SME Leaders globally
Direct Reports:
- No direct reports
- Virtual/Home in UK
- Must have residence and valid right to work in UK - this role does not support visa sponsorship
- Willingness to flex working hours to GMT to enable close collaboration with colleagues in both Europe and across North America
- Minimal
- English
In this role you can expect to
Key Accountabilities
- Enhance and refine the information within Loopio (RFP content management system), ensuring content is current and aligned with business priorities, sales strategies, solutions, and positioning.
- Evolve templates and toolboxes (curated proposal and presentation materials), keeping them up-to-date with the latest messaging, offerings, and sales strategies.
- Maintain and expand the case study library, identifying and filling gaps across services, industries, and geographies.
- Review and elevate newly created high-impact sales materials, prioritizing developed content that improves sales effectiveness, such as customer testimonials and industry stat slides.
- Support the quality assurance (QA) process on live bids by reviewing drafts and providing feedback to refine messaging, writing quality, and design consistency.
- Coach and upskill the Opportunity Management Team and Sales Team in sales writing best practices (e.g., structuring responses, using proof points, leveraging GenAI tools).
- Identify opportunities to improve content quality through elevating opportunity management team's writing and design skills by implementing best practices, and leading learning sessions on topics such as generative AI in sales content creation.
- Partner with SMEs to create, review, and enhance eLearning materials for Sales Enablement and internal knowledge-sharing content.
- Ensure all content resources align with brand, compliance, and legal guidelines.
- Respond to ad hoc content requests from sales and Opportunity Management team members for the creation of new materials.
- Ensure that all content is easily accessible, logically structured, and well-organized within our platforms (Seismic, Loopio, SharePoint).
- Support the communication of new content updates to internal teams, ensuring visibility and adoption.
All About You
Must Have:
- Exceptional sales writing and editing skills, with experience crafting clear, engaging, and persuasive content for client proposals, presentations and other sales scenarios.
- Excellent PowerPoint design skills, ensuring sales materials are visually compelling and on-brand.
- Experience with content management systems (Loopio, Seismic, SharePoint, or similar).
- Strong organizational and time management skills, with the ability to handle multiple projects and deadlines.
- Effective stakeholder management and communication skills, collaborating with SMEs and sales teams.
Nice to Have:
- Familiarity with sales enablement and bid management processes.
- Experience leveraging AI and emerging technologies for sales content creation.
- Good knowledge of sales strategies and the competitive marketplace for HR Services.
What we offer
- Growth opportunities within a HR Solutions global leader
- We prioritize learning to stay agile in an increasingly competitive business environment
- We foster an open-minded environment where people spark new ideas and explore alternatives
- Additional benefits including PTO, Paid Holidays, and more
- Contract Type: Full-time colleague (salary)
- Hours: Willingness to flex working hours to GMT to enable close collaboration with colleagues in both Europe and across North America
About LHH
The world of work is ever-changing and unpredictable. Organizations are constantly fighting a battle to find and maintain their competitive advantage: their talent. To succeed, they can’t just rely on what works today, working tomorrow. They need to be ready for next.
LHH exists to help individuals, teams, and organizations find and prepare for what’s next. With integrated, end-to-end solutions that include Advisory, Professional Recruitment, Career Transition, and Learning & Talent Development, we are uniquely positioned to work together to make a positive impact on the future of every person we work with at every key career moment.
LHH is at the forefront of change to build a bigger, bolder workforce. Every day is a new day to prepare for, and we’re here to make sure the future works for everyone.
A division of the Adecco Group – the world’s leading HR solutions provider – LHH’s 8,000 colleagues and coaches work with 15,000 organizations in over 60 countries around the world. We successfully help close to 500,000 candidates to enhance their careers every year. Our local expertise, global infrastructure, and industry-leading technology allow us to manage the complexity of critical workforce initiatives and the challenges of transformation. It’s why most of the Fortune Global 500 companies choose to work with us.
This is LHH.
Ready for Next.
LHH is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
For additional information on our Diversity and Inclusion policy, please consult the following link:
Posting date: 14-02-2025
Lernen Sie uns kennen
Die Vereinigung der ergänzenden Stärken unserer verschiedenen Marken ermöglicht es unserem Team, sich durch eine leistungsstarke Mission zu vereinen - die richtigen Talente mit der richtigen Gelegenheit in Einklang zu bringen. Wir schaffen Synergien, die den Talentbedarf unserer Kunden überall dort erfüllen, wo sie sich auf ihrer Reise befinden, und bieten ein durch Technologie ermöglichtes und von Menschen gesteuertes Erlebnis. Bei LHH haben Sie die Möglichkeit, unsere Mission der Zukunftssicherung von Organisationen und Karrieren voranzutreiben und die Transformation der Arbeitskräfte zu ermöglichen. Treten Sie unserem leidenschaftlichen und erfolgsorientierten Team bei, in dem wir Flexibilität, Autonomie und sinnvolle Arbeit priorisieren. Mit einem unterstützenden Team, maßgeschneiderten Karrierewegen und einem Engagement für Wohlbefinden können Sie sich mit uns auf jedes morgige vorbereiten.
Wir sind ein leistungsstarkes und diverses Team von Menschen aus aller Welt, die gemeinsam daran arbeiten, eine lebenswerte Zukunft für alle zu schaffen. Als Schlüssel zu unserem Erfolg prägen unsere Mitarbeiter unsere Kultur. Dank ihnen sind wir in der Lage, die sich verändernde Arbeitswelt auf globaler Ebene mit Lösungen zu beeinflussen, die auf dem Verständnis und der Erfahrung lokaler Zusammenhänge beruhen. Gemeinsam bieten wir Einsteigern spannende Karrierewege und bringen unsere Kunden mit den fähigsten Köpfen zusammen. Um dies zu ermöglichen, sind Investitionen in unsere Mitarbeiter, eine offene Kommunikationskultur und individuelle Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für uns unverzichtbar. Es gibt eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten da draußen.
Erfahren Sie mehr über LHH
Wir sind das Talent Solutions Business der Adecco Group, ein End-to-End-Lösungspartner, der auf die Qualifikations- und Transformationsbedürfnisse unserer Kunden eingeht, um deren Wachstum zu fördern. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, die richtigen Fähigkeiten mit den richtigen Chancen zusammenzubringen. Indem wir die sich ergänzenden Stärken unserer verschiedenen Marken zusammenbringen, schaffen wir Synergien, die den Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht werden, egal in welcher Phase ihrer Transformationsreise sie sich befinden. Als Mitglied unseres Teams werden Sie befähigt, inspiriert und motiviert, unser Ziel zu erreichen, Unternehmen und Karrieren zukunftssicher zu machen, indem Sie die richtigen Fähigkeiten erwerben und die Transformation der Mitarbeiter ermöglichen. Wir wollen hoch hinaus und streben nach Exzellenz, weil wir wissen, dass wir mit unserer Arbeit etwas bewirken können.
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