Systems Validation Engineer (Multiple Positions)
Auburn Hills, Stati Uniti CandidatiJob Description Summary:
Supports the product development and system integration processes by developing test procedures for automated execution, implementing tests using Hardware in the Loop equipment, documenting and reviewing execution reports, reporting incidents, and tracking software updates to fix issues. Develops expertise in software test design and has advanced knowledge in vehicle functional partitioning, electrical and communication architectures, Ford’s embedded software processes, and the Global Product Development System. Close collaboration with feature owners, engineering, and suppliers to develop a strong understanding of the vehicle functions and implement appropriate test design strategies for early identification of defects and to provide evidence of defect elimination. Single point of contact for the test organization and the feature owner, engineering team, and supplier for brake, propulsion and ADAS system. Manages the test project for the for the assigned features EV production vehicles including integration/definition, scope/coverage, time, communications, and risk. Supports the tradeoff analysis of test requirements vs test environment capabilities to define test scope and instrumentation strategies. Analyzes requirements, vehicle components electrical schematics, functional specifications, and FMEA documentation. Designs, maintains and executes test procedures in alignment with test design guidelines and strategy. Documents test environment, automation, and vehicle variant management requirements. Implements and validates test environment, automation, and vehicle variant management solutions. Troubleshoots vehicle systems and tests environment functionality to minimize false positive incident reports. Implements continuous improvement strategies for test design, management, and execution processes. Reports to company headquarters in Auburn Hills, MI. Roving employee – will work at various unknown client sites throughout the U.S. for up to 100% of the time. Must be willing to travel anywhere in the U.S. and may be assigned to work at client sites across the U.S.
What you’ll be doingQualifications:
Master’s degree in Engineering (any), Computer Science, IT/IS, Operations Management, Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Telecommunications, Electrical or Electronics, or related field of study and two (2) years of experience in the job offered or related occupation in which the required experience was gained. In lieu of a Master’s degree in Engineering (any), Computer Science, IT/IS, Operations Management, Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Telecommunications, Electrical or Electronics, or related field of study and two (2) years of experience, the employer will also accept a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (any), Computer Science, IT/IS, Operations Management, Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Telecommunications, Electrical or Electronics, or related field of study and five (5) years of work experience in the job offered or related occupation in which the required experience was gained. Must have demonstrated experience with: Automotive software development or validations; software development life cycle - CMMI and agile process; utilizing software testing or quality assurance methodologies; ADAS and DAT feature testing; distributed feature testing; and MATLAB and Simulink control models development.
Salary offered for the position is: $117,832.00 - $125,000.00/year.
Primary Work Location:
900 N Squirrel Rd, Suite 300, Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Reports to company headquarters in Auburn Hills, MI. 100% travel required. Reports to company headquarters in Auburn Hills, MI. Roving employee will work at various client sites throughout the U.S.
Additional Locations:
Work Shift:
Not Specified
To apply, mail resume to Akkodis, Inc., Attn: HR, 900 N Squirrel Rd, Suite 300, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, OR submit a resume to, OR submit a resume to Must reference Job Title & Job Code: NA05108. EOE.
Posting date: 03-11-2025
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