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Seoul, South Korea
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Recruitment Consultant (Seoul)

아데코그룹은포춘글로벌 500기업하나로세계 60개국에 5000이상의지사를두고있는HR 서비스분야의세계 1기업입니다. 세계 60개국에서일하는 3이상의동료들과함께미래를위한전략"Future@Work"구축하며나은미래를위한일을나가는글로벌선도기업입니다. 아데코코리아는아데코그룹의한국지사로, 글로벌환경에서전문화된 HR 서비스(인재파견, 아웃소싱, 채용대행, 임원헤드헌팅서비스)제공하는종합 HR 솔루션기업입니다.

아데코코리아는모든직원들이동등하게존중받는수평적인조직문화를가지고있습니다. 차별없는공정한보상과육아기단축근무조건육아휴직제도를통해직원들이커리어를계속해서발전시킬있는환경을조성합니다. 외국어사용기회가많아국제역량을키울있는환경이며, 글로벌인트라넷커리어사이트를통해상시로국가별 Open position공유하며국가근무지이동을장려합니다. 우리의비전"Making the future work for everyone"따라, 아데코그룹내다양한글로벌브랜드에서다양한직업경력성장기회를제공합니다. Adecco International Mentoring Program(AIM)비롯한그룹시니어리더와의멘토링기회, Early Career Program(IFL)통한젊은리더육성, 그리고 Degreed 온라인교육플랫폼을활용하여언제어디서나학습이가능한환경을제공하며직원들의성장을지원합니다.


  • 직책: Perm Consultant / 헤드헌터
  • 근무지:서울시송파구 잠실본동 백제고분로 69 애플타워 5층
  • 근무형태: 계약직 (1년/ 정규직 전환 가능)

헤드헌터는인재를발굴하고추천하는전문적인채용전문가로, 최적의인재를기업에소개해주는역할을수행합니다. 다양한산업분야에서인재들을발굴하고스카우트하여기업의비전과목표에부합하는우수한인재들을발굴하는데전문화되어있습니다.

프로젝트를진행한만큼의정당한수익을보장받습니다. 또한, 저희아데코코리아에서는산업별로나뉘어컨설턴트들이전문화되어있는업무를하고있으며, 그로인해해당산업군에대한트렌드와인사이트도함께얻을있습니다. 컨설턴트가개별의프로젝트를맡아서업무를보기에, 시간에얽매여있지않고유연한시간관리가가능한점도장점입니다.

저희아데코코리아와함께하신다면전문적인인재발굴능력, 산업전문성, 비공개채용기회제공, 맞춤형채용솔루션, 비전과목표에부합하는인재확보의역량을얻을있습니다. 또한 60개국에지사가있으므로, Open Position있을국가근무지이동도가능합니다.


• 채용프로젝트진행
주요후보자/고객사 DB 관리파이프라인구축
개인별매출목표 KPI 이행


  • 학사이상
  • 최소업무경력5이상 (산업군무관)
  • 채용경험서치펌경력자우대
  • 영업, 마케팅, 고객서비스산업경험자우대
  • MS Office 활용자


  • 근무일시: 월요일 - 금요일 / 8:00 am -10:00 am 이내출근시간탄력근무제도 (1 8시간업무)
  • 하이브리드근무제도 ( 1재택가능)
  • Family Day 제도 (매월마지막금요일오전근무조기퇴근)
  • 4대보험, 퇴직연금, 상여금, 임직원단체보험
  • 경조금지원, 경조휴가제
  • 분기연말우수사원포상
  • 장기근속상포상
  • 내부직인재추천포상
  • 법정연차 + 생일휴가 + 유급병가매년 5지급
  • 휴대폰기본요금지원 월 60,000원 한도 내 지원
  • 직무자격수당 (직업상담사자격증보유 10만원지급) 자격증취득에대한교육비환급제도


  • 서류전형>채용담당자인터뷰(화상면접) >현업부서인터뷰 >최종 HR 인터뷰 >온보딩
    • 상황에따라인터뷰절차가추가변경있습니다


  • 서류전형합격자에한하여개별통보합니다. , 회사사정에따라지연될있습니다.
  • 입사지원서류에허위사실이발견될경우, 채용확정이후라도채용이취소될있습니다.

Posting date: 09-01-2024


Get to know us

Our team is making a difference in people’s working lives and leading society into a future driven by human potential and inclusion. We’re disrupting and transforming norms – looking beyond resumes and connecting people with opportunities to truly get ahead. As the world's leading workforce solutions company, we are offering flexible placement, permanent placement, outsourcing and managed services across all sectors. At Adecco, we believe in the potential of people. We deliver the right talent capabilities at the right time, enabling flexibility and agility for clients. Help us deliver on our purpose to transform the world of work through people who love what they do.

Diversity & Inclusion at Adecco

Join Adecco: Empowering Diversity, Driving Inclusion
At Adecco, diversity fuels our success. We embrace unique identities, backgrounds, and perspectives to build an inclusive future. Our commitment to equity ensures fair access and opportunity for all.

What We Stand For
Diversity Fuels Success: Embracing a full range of identities, from gender and race to ability and nationality, we create a vibrant and innovative work environment.
Equity for All: Fairness drives everything we do. We provide equal access to opportunities, resources, and recognition for everyone.

Championing Inclusion in Action
Expertise in Refugee Integration: We lead in integrating refugees through social coaching, training, and partnerships, making a positive impact on their lives.
Skills for the Future: By upskilling and reskilling, we empower candidates to succeed in the workforce, we bridge the talent gap, driving growth and empowerment for all.

Join us in building a future where everyone thrives. Be a catalyst for positive change with Adecco!


At Adecco, empowerment drives us, and our collective spirit inspires us to create meaningful change. We envision a world where everyone has a chance to participate in the future of work. Our culture of inclusivity and entrepreneurship enables continuous growth, making a positive impact on society.

Each role at Adecco contributes to a greater cause by making a real difference in people's lives. We connect talent with opportunities, creating careers and shaping a brighter future for everyone.

Fuel your career with Adecco's brand purpose, emphasizing empowerment, societal impact, and leadership in workforce solutions. Together, let's embark on a remarkable journey of transformation and fulfillment, shaping a brighter future for everyone, everywhere.

"Our ambition is to reinforce our leadership in workforce solutions and make the future work for everyone, all around the world." - Christopher Catoir – President Adecco

Learn more about Adecco

We are Adecco, a global leader in workforce solutions. We work to make a difference in people’s working lives and lead society into a future driven by human potential and inclusion. We have a commitment to disrupting and transforming norms – looking beyond resumes and connecting people with opportunities that truly get them ahead. As a member of the team, you’ll be empowered to deliver on our purpose to transform the world of work through people who love what they do. You will be a commited career partner that supports the employability of our Associates and their success.

  • Collaborate with purpose, connecting authentically to achieve remarkable goals together.

  • Embrace change, taking bold initiatives with tenacity to drive extraordinary results.

  • Focus on customers, creating strong partnerships and understanding their evolving needs.

  • Fuel your curiosity, embrace continuous learning, and grow professionally with us.

  • Join a dynamic team that navigates change fearlessly, turning challenges into opportunities.

Traits are on a scale of 0 to 10

Success profile

Are we the right fit for each other? Have a look at the traits we're looking for.


Inclusive Culture, Empowering Impact: Join Adecco's supportive environment, making a difference through work

Fuel your career path with meaningful work, societal impact, and sustainable growth

Flexible Hybrid Work: Enjoy work-life balance with Adecco's agile and adaptable work arrangements

Global Opportunities, Diverse Roles: Explore a world of career possibilities with Adecco's global leadership

What it means to be part of the Adecco Group.

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